January 26, 2015
The 2015 session of the Georgia General Assembly convened Monday, January 12, 2015. The General Assembly adjourned at the close of business on Thursday, January 15, 2015 through Sunday, January 25, 2015. The House and Senate Appropriation Subcommittees began hearings on the Governor’s 2015 Amended Budget and 2016 Budget recommendations. The General Assembly will reconvene on Monday, January 26, 2015 for Day 5 of the session. The current calendar provides for the General Assembly to be in and out of session through Thursday, February 12; Day 15.
The Governor’s FY-2015 Amended Budget recommendations include an additional $20,000,000 for the Regional Economic Business Assistance (REBA) program for a FY-2015 total allocation of $40,892,289. The Governor also recommended an additional $55,000,000 for the OneGeorgia Authority. $20,000,000 is earmarked for economic development projects; and $35,000,000 for additional competitive grants to local school systems for broadband internet connectivity through the Connections for Classrooms program, and to provide funding for live online instruction and other digital platforms for students and teachers. The total proposed FY-2015 OneGeorgia Authority allocation is $75,000,000. Total FY-2015 recommended state funds for the Department of Community Affairs is $140,983,636.
The Governor’s FY-2015 Amended Budget recommendations include an additional $20,000,000 for the Regional Economic Business Assistance (REBA) program for a FY-2015 total allocation of $40,892,289. The Governor also recommended an additional $55,000,000 for the OneGeorgia Authority. $20,000,000 is earmarked for economic development projects; and $35,000,000 for additional competitive grants to local school systems for broadband internet connectivity through the Connections for Classrooms program, and to provide funding for live online instruction and other digital platforms for students and teachers. The total proposed FY-2015 OneGeorgia Authority allocation is $75,000,000. Total FY-2015 recommended state funds for the Department of Community Affairs is $140,983,636.
The Governor’s FY-2015 Amended Budget recommendations for the Department of Economic Development include total state funds of $35,567,250 with minor adjustments from the FY-2015 allocation. The recommendation includes additional funds for a position to support international relations and trade events.
The Governor’s FY-2015 Amended Budget recommendations for the Technical College System of Georgia includes $13,058,532 for Quick Start and Customized Services; a slight increase over the FY-2015 allocation due to administrative adjustments.
The Governor’s FY-2015 Amended Budget recommendations for the Technical College System of Georgia includes $13,058,532 for Quick Start and Customized Services; a slight increase over the FY-2015 allocation due to administrative adjustments.
The Governor has recommended FY-2016 base funding for REBA of $20,892,289, and $20,000,000 for the OneGeorgia Authority. Total FY-2016 recommended state funds for the Department of Community Affairs is $64,620,515.
The Governor’s FY-2016 recommendation for the Department of Economic Development includes additional funds for a position to support international relations and trade events, international trade office contracts, personal services for one industry representative position, and personal services for two positions to support international trade, research, and marketing. The Governor recommends a transfer of funds from the Georgia Research Alliance contract to the Innovation and Technology Division for tourism program marketing to increase Georgia tourism ($750,000). The Governor also recommends additional funds for a marketing project manager position and a social media specialist position, increased funds for the Georgia Historical Society for historical markers ($100,000), and a transfer of funds from the Georgia Research Alliance contract to the Tourism Division for marketing to increase Georgia tourism ($750,000). Total FY-2016 recommended state funds for the Department of Economic Development is $33,620,285.
The Governor recommends $339,816,187 in FY-2016 state funds for the Technical College System of Georgia that includes $13,058,532 for Quick Start and Customized Services, increased funds for formula
growth based on 2.4% increase in square footage, and savings from the merger of Moultrie and Southwest Georgia Technical Colleges to fund personal services and operating expenses for the precision manufacturing designation at West Georgia Technical College.
growth based on 2.4% increase in square footage, and savings from the merger of Moultrie and Southwest Georgia Technical Colleges to fund personal services and operating expenses for the precision manufacturing designation at West Georgia Technical College.
Seventy-four House bills have been filed and thirty have been assigned to committees. Thirty-four Senate bills have been filed and twenty-eight have been assigned to committees. Information on specific bills of interest to GEDA members will be provided in future reports.
Seventy-four House bills have been filed and thirty have been assigned to committees. Thirty-four Senate bills have been filed and twenty-eight have been assigned to committees. Information on specific bills of interest to GEDA members will be provided in future reports.