January 26, 2016
The 2016 session of the Georgia General Assembly reconvened on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 for week two of the session. The General Assembly recessed at the close of business on Friday, January 22, 2016; Day 8 of the session.
After returning from a four day weekend the House and Senate continued to move slowly on legislation. The Senate did not conduct any committee meetings to discuss pending bills. The House and Senate members spent most of their time in subcommittee and committee meetings on the amended FY-2016 budget. The amended FY-2016 budget provides funding for the remainder of FY-2016, which ends June 30, 2016. The full House Appropriations Committee will meet next week to take action on the amended budget.
FY-2016 Amended Budget
Department of Community Affairs
The Governor recommended total funds for the Department of $298,994,516 with $90,291,248 of that being state general funds.
The Governor recommended no changes to State Economic Development Programs (REBA) with a state allocation of $26,092,153. He recommended an increase in payments to the OneGeorgia Authority that included a $14,900,000 increase in funds to provide additional competitive grants to local school systems for broadband internet connectivity through the Connections for Classrooms program, and to provide funds for live online instruction and other digital platforms for students and teachers. The Governor recommends a total allocation of $38,400,000 for the OneGeorgia Authority.
Department of Economic Development
The Governor recommended total funds of $105,072,985 with $31,051,667 of total funds being state general funds.
The Governor recommended a $650,000 increase in the Global Commerce budget to provide funds for contractual services for the economic development outreach initiative in China. Total state funds of $11,531,240 are included in the Global Commerce proposed budget.
Technical College System of Georgia
The Governor recommended total funds of $781,471,387 with $340,025,630 of that being state general funds. The state allocation for Quick Start and Customized Services remained at $13,060,918. The Technical Education budget contains $710,216,451 in total funds and $303,748,916 in state funds.
University System of Georgia
The University System budget includes $19,490,935 in total funds and $8,590,935 in state general funds to support the Enterprise Innovation Institute. Also included is $367,445,871 in total funds and $5,694,440 in state general funds for the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
FY-2017 General Appropriations Act
Department of Community Affairs
The Governor recommended total funds of $300,529,614 for the Department with $91,826,346 of the total in state general funds.
The Governor recommended $36,432,636 in total funds for State Economic Development Programs (REBA) that includes $36,097,049 in state general funds. These totals included and addition of $10,000,000 to increase funds for Regional Economic Business Assistance grants.
The Governor recommends $30,145,521 in total funds for Payments to the OneGeorgia Authority with $30,000,000 of that total in state general funds. State general funds include an increase in funds for rural economic development projects of $10,000,000.
Department of Economic Development
The Governor recommends total funds of $105,072,985 for the Department that includes $31,051,667 in state general funds. The Governor recommended a $200,000 increase in Global Commerce state funds to be used for marketing. Total funds for Global Commerce are $11,269,133 with $11,269,133 of that total in state general funds. The Governor’s Office of Workforce Development will receive $73,361,918 in federal funds. $1,542,809 in state funds is allocated for Innovation and Technology. Tourism’s budget includes a $10,000 reduction that eliminates one-time funds for signage and marketing of the “Vietnam Moving Wall” at the Walk of Heroes, a $10,000 reduction to funds for the Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails, and a $500,000 reduction to eliminate one-time funds for the National Infantry Museum. Tourism’s total recommended allocation is $10,604,809 in state general funds.
Technical College System of Georgia
The Governor recommended total funds of $792,846,486 that includes $351,400,729 in state general funds. Adult Education’s budget includes total funds of $41,892,632 with $16, 082,776 of that total in state general funds. Adult Education’s budget also includes $1,208,620 in state funds to transfer funds for 20 additional full-time adult education instructors from the Technical Education program and utilize existing funds to shift 30 part-time instructors to full-time to reach 50 additional full-time instructors. The Quick Start and Customized Services proposed budget includes $22,262,254 in total funds and $13,294,403 in state general funds. Technical Education is recommended for $719,546,041 in total funds, with $313,078,506 of state general funds included in the total. The total Technical Education budget is reduced by $1,208,620 in state funds to transfer funds for 20 additional full-time adult education instructors to the Adult Education program.
University System of Georgia
The University System of Georgia is recommended for $7,208,497,100 in total funds with $2,120,750,337 in state general funds included in the total. The Enterprise Innovation Institute’s total funds are $19,654,535 with $8,754,535 in state general funds. The Georgia Research Alliance budget recommendation is increased by $5,097,451 in state general funds to transfer funds for the Georgia Research Alliance from the Public Service/Special Funding Initiatives program. The Georgia Tech Research Institute is recommended for $367,562,410 in total funds that includes $5,810,979 in state general funds.
GEDA will begin tracking bills of interest in the next Legislative Monitor Report.